Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 1:18 PM
40th Anniversary
Hi all
Happy Birthday 28th Boys Brigade ! 40 years old is challenge for captain , officer and boys to grow leadership and skills ready for the outside fast world . Today world is changeing every day in our teen and god today , persent , furtue is the same as i learn abit the same in Christin Education stage 2 . Thanks our founder Sir William Alexander Smith. Today is a long day for everyone for the hard work . This a good opportunity to let Old and persent boys together and share during the days .Good to see them with successful in life . I learn our 28th company change the first stared to now . In the past that is road march but now in singapore is missing , only can see during NDP every year . Lf you don't know a special about our company had Pipes band but now no more because during world war 2 and the music is nice and bring the image of bb. It is important that our old boys share the bb object to the rest of the old boys .
“The advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among Boys, and the promotion of habits of
Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.”Is has been a long time never post in the main blog .
lf we did not follow and the object will be gone in lost in not where .
Now and then we learn never for get and is a part of life skill.
Wish 28th boys brigde and wonderful next 40 years to come.
LCP Ivan Tan
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 @ 7:00 PM
Better is one day
Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 4:04 PM